A Farewell To My Corner Booth Community

I want to share some very exciting news with you.
After 20 years of running retail stores in the inner west, I have made the decision to sell the business that I have nurtured, loved and grown.
Without a doubt, this has been an incredibly hard decision to make, as The Corner Booth is more than a business and brand. It is what fills my heart with joy and what fuels my creativity. The friendships I have made in this tiny corner shop have been immeasurable and added so much value to my life.
However, as much as I love The Corner Booth, I have come to the realisation that it is time to move on and explore new opportunities. I am excited to see where this next chapter in my life will take me, but I am also filled with sadness, as I say goodbye to something that has been such a big part of my life for so long.
I am beyond grateful to our incredible community, staff, suppliers, family and friends who have supported me throughout this journey. Without your unwavering support, The Corner Booth would not have been the success it is today.
With love and appreciation, I am now placing The Corner Booth in the most capable hands of Sally Spiller. Sally has worked alongside me for the last couple of years and is so passionate about retail. She has a new level of enthusiasm and bold plans to take The Corner Booth to new heights. I have no doubt that Sally will continue to uphold the values and mission of our business, providing high-quality products and exceptional customer service.
I have every confidence that under Sally's leadership, The Corner Booth will continue to be a beloved fixture in our community, providing a unique and enjoyable shopping experience for years to come.
For the next couple of months you will find me hanging out at the store and supporting Sally during the lead up to Christmas.
I am excited to explore new opportunities and see where this next adventure will take me. If you want to keep in touch, you can find me on Instagram @whatleahdid_next.